SoundKitchen Radio

Mazi’s ROR Review (02012021)

  • 27 November, 2020
  • by Admin
  • 0 comment(s)


All that God wants manifested in you is Christ; touching and changing lives through you, Pastor says. As one who’s born again, Christ rules your life; you have His nature. When natural men declare face mask rule, in that fake science religion, and some Christians wear it as though masks are part of the whole armour of God, along side the shield of faith, lol! haba na! A fully kitted soldier of Christ, needs ventilation, not masks, GIVE VENT TO YOUR CHRIST-NATURE. Don’t choke yourself, give the life of God in you expression. When you are offended, what weapon do you pull out? Fleshly masks? Or you allow the ruler inside to act instead? Remove that mask and let Christ be heard through you, let your words and actions lift others, not humiliating words mumbled behind a mask. Give Him your body to use, don’t lock it down in the name of social distancing; touch and change lives. Nobody can contact-trace the SEED , that is prolonging His days; we the church will outlive them all. Mazi is cross ventilating this temple body of Christ I carry, the world must know I’m here. #ChristNaturalMazi

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