SoundKitchen Radio

Mazi’s ROR Review (03012021)

  • 27 November, 2020
  • by Admin
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Your experience should never affect your confidence in the Word...The Word never fails, Pastor says...there’s a fight of faith. Boxing matches are always very interesting with all the pep talks before the bout, the contenders going into the fight talk so much about what they’ll do. Then round one sometimes feels like it’s a different fight, but they must brace up and do the talk. In the same way, there’s a fight of faith, yes! you said you’ll knock out (KO) the situation as the Word (The coach) told you but it’s round five now, don’t give up, it might take several rounds of fight, but it’s a sure win. It might be an issue of limited knowledge of the contender, you are in the fight now, study him, his right arm is weak, so next round, unleash your faith. Train yourself in the Word, no matter the weight category or level of faith, stand your ground, you always win. Mazi, as a heavy weight fighter, is boxing to shake the world; 100 fights, 100 wins, 100 knockouts (KOs), 0 defeats. #MaziFaithFighter

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